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Posts posted by PhöQ

  1. Im pissed.


    Aigth well, Background info. I went out with this bitch Nicole for 5 somethings weeks i think. And she's now claming she's pregnant and it may be my kid and shit which is b/s i think. She aient proved nothing to me and came up with this when i got with my new girl Jess.


    Now my girl Jess, I love this girl to death, Ive never told any girl ive been with that i love them because i wont say it unless i mean it. I completley mean it, I love this girl to death, For the first time i made love last night. Ive been fucking for years, Ive never made love like i did last night, It was sttraight beautiful.


    Well now, Friday night, Two nights ago, Im with Jess, Its round like 7, I get a call from nicole and i dont answer it and my gurl gets pissed shes calling me still.


    Then like 45 minutes later i get a text and its from nicole. It says something along the lines "Tell your BITCH to quit calling my house and hanging up like an immature BITCH". I read it and was pissed, Jess read it and got even more pissed. I know Nicoles cell and house # by heart. My gurl knows her cell # but not by heart and dont know her house #. So first she dont got that number, Second i was with her all day and i know she hasnt called her once.


    So we was driving when this happend, Drove to Jess's crib and jess told me to dial nicoles cell # and star 69'ed it.


    She left a message, Cool, Calm, Collected, Very nice. Jus said shes been with me all night, Dont appreciate being called a bitch and to leave me alone, And she never called her.


    Well that was it.


    Now today, Like half hour ago, I've been drinking vodka, And jus gettin routy. I was thinking about it and got pissed, So i said fuck it, Ima call her and confront her on it.


    I call her, She picks up like nothings up. I tell her "First off, I dont appreciate you calling my girl a bitch TO ME". And before i could finish saying second off shes already being bitchy. So i continue talking, I said 'Second off, I was with Jess all night and know damn well she didnt call you." Shes being a bitch so im getting pissed and routy with her.


    Well like alot of ya'll know, Im from the hood, Born n raised, Born n riased with hood mentaitly aswell. So i get routy, And i been drinking and jus gettin routier.


    So im like, "Fuck you, You disrespected me n my gurl by calling her a bitch and saying she did something she didnt, Your wrong, Im not." Shes like you called me jus to bitch at me, I said fuck yeah. Lol.


    So she's like you know what dont ever call me again, Im like "i wasnt plannin on it.'


    So she's more pissed, Her ex-boyfriend when i was with her threatned my life constantly but never did nothing. So i said, G'head and get kyle after me, Your boyrfriend wont be breathing anymore. And i hung up on her.



    Bitchs get me pissed off, Dumb highschool bullshit games.

  2. 1983: Got inspired by my trail crew supervisor in Zion (John Gangemi), he was an animal on and off the rock.


    Got back home, dug out the classic 1974 issue of Nat Geographic with the hammmerless ascent of Halfdome, I studied the knots and gleaned what I could from the text.

    I got the Spire rock guide book and bought some used gear from a dude at High school and started self teaching myself at Spire.


    Mom felt I needed something organised so I enrolled in the mounties basic course. I stayed in it long enough to get the rock climbing info, meet Pope and then I bailed when we got to the snow and ice part.


    The rest is history, with Pope and I learning alot those first few years 1985/1986 but challenging ourselves and scaring ourselves.


    The best years EVER!

  3. Why the hell would someone want to do that??? :noway:

    Perhaps it's a cry for help, mebbe?


    Or perhaps hes just happy?

    Or both. Or neither. Tamara asked a question. I provided an answer. You provided an alternate answer.

    Neither one of us knows which one, if either, is correct.


    Passing a "judgement" might not be the right thing to do, optimally giving him props for originality seems pretty on target.

    Your persepective. Not mine. Carry on.


    Yes sir!



  4. Why the hell would someone want to do that??? :noway:

    Perhaps it's a cry for help, mebbe?


    Or perhaps hes just happy?

    I checked out the web site of the dude that did alot of his work LINKY and its pretty amazing.

    I don't think I would be bold enought but it is pretty cool and striking.


    Passing a "judgement" might not be the right thing to do, optimally giving him props for originality seems pretty on target.


    Cheers :P

  5. I just went to get some provisions for my fly fishing trip this weekend. Had to interact with around 20 Safeway employees who wanted to say hi, ask me if they could help me find anything, or just generally get in my face with excessive cheerfulness and obnoxious false platitudes.


    I'm not sure why Safeway's policy is "harass every customer"--as if that stupid card they make ya carry's not enough....


    Take 30 aspirin and slit your wrists you pathetic whiner. When you complain about people being nice, you know you have a problem; a problem that can only be solved with chemicals and sharp knives.




    I concur with Marylou.

  6. After a session in cadaver lab years ago in Vegas, I got home and fired up some ramen with parmegian cheese for dinner. I nearly gagged as the aroma was identical to the smell in the lab.


    Just say NO to Ramen and parmegian cheese

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