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Posts posted by PhöQ

  1. And by "side", I am referring to us as "climbers", "outdoors people", "fans of nature", and "lovers of the free spirit adventurous lifestyle".


    I am making a generalization that all lovers of hiking/climbing have a similar idealogy. Granted there are exceptions.

  2. I have a hard time believing you are on our side.



    I didn't know I had to choose a side. Are you saying that if I don't support Crux' proposed violence against the president then, by definition, I must hate the environment?


    LOL, no no, I actually mean the big FW picture, this thread is just the post that got me wondering what makes FW tick! :)


    I am being respectful and serious.

  3. Give me a few minutes in a room with a shoe and GWB.


    Needless to say, the shoe would never leave the room alive.


    [font:Arial Black]Bush's Final F. U.[/font]



    Yer a reel tough guy. Grrrrrrrrrr. :rolleyes::lmao:


    FW, serious question for you, I know you love the outdoors, you mountain bike, you climb.


    Do you even care about the environment at all? You seem pretty hell bent on supporting GW to the bitter end and with all the issues surrounding his views on the environment and human rights... I have a hard time believing you are on our side.


    I am not being critical but you just seem like the banana in a bag of apples.


    Or do you just like to play devils advocate?

  4. A higher power?


    I don't like using that either, I feel that if you can define it or describe it then it just becomes an "idol" worshipping kind of thing.

    Some things are best just left to the internal dialog.


    Kind of like my take on religion, it's really too personal to bring up with others.

    Most world religions are in fact just big clubs for ppl that cant think for themselves and need to have a central figure to validate their existence.



  5. You need a third choice for ppl like me.


    "Ethereal, intangible, energy force."


    I cant say I don't believe in something, but by just labeling it "God" conjures up images of an old chubby bearded white guy.

  6. Looks great man! I lived in Vegas for 8 years and savor every minute at Red Rocks.

    But we spent most of our time in the canyons, there are alot better and more "diverse" climbing opportunities than can be found at the pullouts.


    Trad routes and natural scenery inspire me more than repeated shots of some overworked/overbolted boulder problem.


    I got the redpoint the first try hanging the draws.
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