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Lucky Larry

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Everything posted by Lucky Larry

  1. Lucky Larry


    My goodness Bill. bradleym--and there are now 6 billion of us here--primarily because of our industrial and agricultural 'progress'. Fair enough, not very surprised at the major socio-economic-political-demographical discrepancies. :[] Now that the end is coming Dec 21 I will not be buying any x-mas presents-- I don't want to waste my money--Hee Haw
  2. after reading the reviews i skipped watching it
  3. I think your joking? It's just a job; sometimes better than no job. Dig this, if you want to get mad at losers: people that were once drug addicts, alcoholics or other wise getting free checks from the government because of their disease. Whoa, don't find them a job at micky D's, just hand them the money. Mere speculation; maybe the rich passed this legislation so they wouldn't feel so bad bout kicking heroin junior out of the house. It starts to get real fuzzy when arguing for the lesser of two evils. Some very complex issues: I don't have the answers. Obesity--now a disease. Is it better to treat these people as victims or kick them to the curb with all their related health issues. Mexicans taking jobs, arguably ones that WASP won't do, and relying on socialized medicine for their 10 kids--protected under freedom to procreate.
  4. Except that in this case, the containment of pension and benefit costs will actually enable the government to *avoid* laying off workers. None of this drama has anything to do with the awful plight that awaits public sector workers once they're subject to being victimized by the cruel whims of the voting public that they're employed to work on behalf of under terms like those that the legions of destitute and bedraggled Federal Employees labor under. Some folks, ahem, feel the majority of voters don't vote and are ass-heads--that only leaves the smart ones doing the voting. Given this logic, nothing to fear as smart people do not base their votes on cruel whims. IMO you can thank wall street, bankers, lawyers, the FED, and CEO's for all the cruelty. I can boast all I want about being a Pacifist until I get real hungry..then? Looking down on people does not take smarts, I unwittingly do it--D'oh and then realize a smart person would not find time to do it.
  5. Shit flies,--what the F do ceo's do besides, sell everything off, run a company into the ground, show a phony profit, and sell the phony profit making? turd off. Have you been into any of the auto parts stores that have been gutted by these practices?
  6. Lucky Larry


    Easiest building code slutlution is no codes--make people responsible for their own decisions in building a home, and really make the buyer beware responsibly. I'm sure most of you know of someone that bought a lemon POS home in the last bubble in spite of all the fucking so-called checks, inspections(people don't even read them or know what the fuck they are even looking at--blinded), bullshit bank loans on turds. Homes less than ten years old have fucking shit siding already falling off--some fucking code huh? Let people live in tents, card board huts etc that are so light it would not matter if it fell down. oh fucking no way. we can't let people make their own decisions, what would happen to property values? they would end up being where they should be--dirt cheap. rant, cough, choke.
  7. This just looks like the case of the mistaken Tenant demanding radical rent controls , or the victim of yet another malicious landlord out to get him. Jay B I always enjoy a good chuckle. Choda, well, what more is there to say? sickie Off W rates very astute observation. Prole ? Hugh C--Latter Off W you forgot the BOTANICALS. ZZ Top Honors rob see ZZ jb not sure about the connection between wages and no bailouts--seems like a lot of bailout came down from the man. The Feds (bankers, wall street, lawyers) print more $ for the bankers--win/win. Skeezix A Ivan voted least poplar :[] Hugh C you finish last, but in 1st place. Business thrives on the death of lines drawn in the sand; welcome WW III, we're here.
  8. Good strategy rob, answer my questions with your own questions--works very well on high school delinquents. rob, '... but unfortunately, most of our citizens have their head up their ass.' So why is it you want ass-heads voting?
  9. Your right on rob, keep that voting up and get back to me in 30 years with the update on 'change'. Work will set you free and everyone gets what they deserve. Regardless bro, the end results are the same. By all means never actually talk to anyone on the streets or your neighbors--they cannot be trusted! And never talk with anyone that looks like they have been working their asses off--just low lifers. Most of all, ignore all the psychopathic behavior in government and society.
  10. Actually, I think it was "Work will make you free". I looked up the quote, I was wrong , imagine, here it is, Buchenwald: behind it's looming iron gates crowned with the chilling words, Jedem das Seine "Everyone gets what he deserves" I recall it as AE does: Arbeit macht frei. What quote / reference are you getting this from? From a guy that was a prisoner in one, got out, became a US citizen, joined the service, went back to fight the Nazi and liberate the prisoners from the camps, and use to be my neighbor. Thanks for asking.
  11. rob, I truly hope your belief in voting works out for you because that would mean that it still works for everyone else too. However, hope and belief systems have no scientific evidence. sickie The Egypt thing was based in the social internet arena because their ballot box no longer worked for them. I guess I do believe it when some guy says he flipped a switch to flip the election results. Historically the Jews believed the government and not the stories from their fellow citizens about the death camps. baa Look into the 1929 stock crash and the 2007 stock crash and great depression II. After 1929 congress enacted bank regulation to prevent another crash. Apparently congress$$$ and Clinton$$$ forgot why regulation good, and laissez-faire bad for citizens because they passed the legislation that made it legal for the banks to steal from the citizens. How many laws do you think were broken? If no laws were broken does that still mean it was ethical conduct? Did you vote for or against ethical conduct. Of course it's a stupid question. Most of the laws are stupid. Has anyone returned the stolen money or gone to jail besides Bernanke? Of course not--we voted for it! Here's another stupid law, why, because no teeth to it. The punishment for making false statements or reports that overvalue an asset is also stated in the U.S. Code:[60] Whoever knowingly makes any false statement or report, or willfully overvalues any land, property or security, for the purpose of influencing in any way...shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both. Everyone is born with a sense of right and wrong. Does a robber baron show his true self in front of an upright person? Of course not, he knows it is shameful. Now look at the Fed and who owned it then and who owns it now, who it helps, who prints more money, who carries the interest on national debt and who pays it. Study it for yourself, find the truth for yourself Its duties today, according to official Federal Reserve documentation, are to conduct the nation's monetary policy, supervise and regulate banking institutions, maintain the stability of the financial system and provide financial services to depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign official institutions.[7] What regulation, who's getting regulated here? Why don't they provide service to the people instead of the banks? What, you mean the Fed is not the federal government, they provide a service to the government, they conduct our monetary policy, they charge the government and the US citizen (double tax). It is also unusual in that an entity outside of the central bank, namely the United States Department of the Treasury, creates the currency used.[11] During the Fiscal Year 2008, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing delivered 7.7 billion notes at an average cost of 6.4 cents per note.[45] [edit] Krazy isn't it, play money out of thin air and worth less than the paper it's printed on. What I am getting at is no one voted for a shit storm, corrupt government, multi-million dollar lobbyists, white collar criminals, robber barons (federal reserve, banks, wall street--they are all in it together) and lies. And yet many people believe they deserve it. I don't think the people that did everything right and lost their pensions really care much for that line of reasoning, do you? They might even resent somebody that said they voted for it. I don't believe it's a conspiracy; more like greed, power, control, pride, nationalism, vanity, propaganda, fascism. God Bless all you fuckers because we are fucked, especially our children and grand kids. As Prez Raygun put it, 'you ain't seen nothing yet'
  12. Actually, I think it was "Work will make you free". I looked up the quote, I was wrong , imagine, here it is,"Everyone gets what he deserves"
  13. Wow, that's the best news I've heard in awhile. Can I use it as an alibi not to look for work? True story related to me by the clever patient: So the doctor walks in to remove the stitches from the vasectomy patient. The patient asks, on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the surgery. The doctor replies, a 10.
  14. Tzu Kung asked: "Is there any one word that can serve as a principle for the conduct of life?" Confucius said:" Perhaps the word is 'reciprocity': Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you"
  15. Lucky Larry

    Cannon Power

    this didn't about cover that one? Fair enough; so why were they there to begin with? strategic position, uranium, oil corridor, drugs?
  16. One is Kooky, the other one is a Kooky Dicktator. This is poetry, parody, and really good marketing--People are following you, you kooky Charlie.
  17. Same current logic: blame the voters for the current situation, it's the voters fault, they got what they asked for. It's an excellent way for government to remain unaccountable for anything that happens, we get what we deserve. The Nazi had a sign at the entrance to the death camps, "they got what they deserved." Who collected the information on the the elections for Gore? Who verified it? Once upon a time the peoples vote was counted one head for one vote. That was too slow and clumsy at the time; Hence, the creation of an electorate. Electorate may refer to: * The group of people entitled to vote in an election, sometimes referred to as the constituency. * An electoral district, the geographic area of a particular election. * The dominion of an Elector in the Holy Roman Empire. A constituent is any member of a constituency, including those who did not vote for the incumbent elected representative(s). Ok, so how close do you think the numbers run in those constituency's. Due you really believe that the numbers spread across the parties is really that close. Doesn't that strike you as a little strange in the least little way after all these years. This system is outdated now that we have the internet, face book , tweet, etc. Egypt has proven this. Our system is just as corrupt as theirs, were just a little father behind. After all we elected the ones that supported the ones that held control of them, we are to blame--the government elected officials that did it to them are not to blame-- we the citizens are. This blame seems to be a wee bit misplaced. They serve us of nobility and humanity, not lowness and corruption. Let's just forget that stuff. Just from the gut level, who ever voted for a system that tore people up and threw them to the dirt? I don't know about you but I personally have never met anybody like that and i will bet a nickel no one from any side ever did. I'm not saying there are not people like that--there are. I'm just saying it's a lot of propaganda any way it gets served to you--red, white, or blue.
  18. oops, the hanging Chad, sorry Gore, you lose.
  19. Lucky Larry

    Cannon Power

  20. murraysovereign Offline old hand Pretty much sums it up, rightly or wrongly, as long as the ballot box is still believed as a way of 'change' nothing ever will given 'our' Great Republic has been bought and paid for. Henceforth I am retiring from spray, there is nothing left to say or do, it is all masturbation without purpose, a seed cast on a hard rock. God save the Queen. I lied like, dare I say, Clintoris , Bird-in-Bush II, Bushstank I, Raygun, and Nixon said,"People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook. I've earned everything I've got."[191]
  21. Who trusts anything goldmansucks sucks, have you noticed The Great Depression II they, cough, sputter, lined their pockets with?
  22. Interesting. Reports are saying Americans only use the net for socializing while other countries use it for political action ie protests/demonstration demanding change. Time will tell if the new boss is the same as the old boss. In America it appears so; however, I've been told that Obama really does challenge the status quo and thats why they hate him so much. The anti-nuke thing doesn't appear to have done much. The anti Iraq war thing, nada. Maybe Americans feel protesting is a waste of time given the results. So much for the pressure release valve. Now everything is just a blame game--good solution.
  23. Shit Bill, Thanks for a real cup of wake up. The Fed, the man behind the curtain, no wonder everything is ass sideways. Time to forget politics--it's all a done deal--what a waste of spray--just as worthless as wacking off and lasts as long. Dave, T U too.
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