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Everything posted by STP

  1. STP


    Yeah, sex sure sweetens the pot but you have to be compatible for the relationship to last and financial responsibility goes a long ways.
  2. STP


    Yes, some might recall their understanding of the Hegelian dialectic--thesis-antithesis-synthesis or if looked at in a political sense, problem-reaction-solution, one example of which is shown by the Katrina fiasco. Government appears to show its ineptitude but they're not there to actually 'rescue' the people. Authorities step in to assume control in actions such as disarming citizens. Blackwater plays a prominent role even though it was stated that only official law enforcement would be armed. So, what's going on? It was more than a dry run. Tinhat or not?
  3. STP


    BTW, talking about right and left, which way is the dancer turning? The Right Brain vs Left Brain test
  4. STP


    anywhere with warm water and sand 6z14gSxbbTQ
  5. STP


    With press like this ( Pilot said 'this is fun' before fatal Blackwater crash ) it's no wonder they'd hired public relations giant Burson-Marsteller .
  6. All i hear are the drums of war. Besides allegations of Iranian complicity in the turmoil in Iraq, what "overt" actions have they taken that warrant strong military actions (well, except for the seizure of the British sailors). How can you rule out that these alleged incidents were not black ops designed to keep US troop in Iraq indefinitely?
  7. Yes, Bill is great at vice. No better evidence of the dismal state of the GOP than the fact that after 7 years of abysmal failure at the hands of GWB, the best the neocons can do is whine about a bj. what did bill do that was so great and don't tell me he was resposible for the economy in the 90's. what's up with all these democrat and republican lovers? they are all a bunch of idiots. Here's former Federal Reserve chairman, Alan Greenspan's testimony before the Senate on January 25, 2001. Things were rosy. Greenspan has given the Clinton Administration credit for having the balls for fiscal restraint but cides the Bush Administration for being lax,e.g. http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/economics/article2468768.ece. This link has some interesting graphs that plot national debt vs. presidential term. So, Democrats are bad because they raise taxes on us but Republicans are just as bad because although they may lower taxes they just borrow more so that the payments will have to come later. Hmm...
  8. "I, for one, welcome our new reptilian overlords."
  9. YEah, that book figured prominently in Heathers.
  10. YEah, that book figured prominently in Heathers.
  11. On Bullshit, Harry G. Frankfort, 2005
  12. STP


    Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata. T.S. Elliot, What the Thunder Said, The Waste Land, 1922 DA DA DA
  13. STP


    Is there any point in talking about Iraqi self-autonomy, Human Rights or even whether the killings were justified? Doesn't much of this whole phenomenon condense down to economics in some form or another? The equation of Iraqi vs American lives. The price of oil. Political stability or instability. Shock therapy. kieyjfZDUIc
  14. What was it that old Italian man said to Yossarian? Something about not outwardly showing resistance rather throw flowers, smile, wave, etc. at the conquerers while all along remaining true to yourself on the inside. My bad, Nately. http://www.generationterrorists.com/quotes/catch-22.shtml
  15. Nyet! https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/print/up.html
  16. Seems some people would best serve their abilities writing plots for sci-fi thriller movies ala Minority Report, because really it’s all about entertainment. Why else fill this empty time on the Net? Seriously though, the most prescient sci-fi anticipates the potential for future realities, the most distressing of which point to a dystopia, one paradoxically with simultaneous alienation and hivemind tendencies, that can be best described as inhuman. So your crystal ball, your imagination, cannot conceive of that possibility? Or, given that anything is possible that scenario is not likely probable? Can anyone conceive of a society resembling Orwell’s 1984? Is it merely a reflection of a person’s inner world cast upon the external fabric of our outward perception rather than ‘seeing the world as it is’? For example, take the Dark Web project (http://ai.arizona.edu/recognition/index.htm ; http://ai.eller.arizona.edu/COPLINK/publications/CrimeDataMining_Computer.pdf). Is it really such a long leap from catching a criminal conspiracy in the act of becoming and that category of crime that can only be called ‘thought crime’? Are some people predisposed, genetically or environmentally, to criminal activity? Should we remove these people before they become a problem? Yeah, booga booga.
  17. Gold and Economic Freedom, Alan Greenspan, 1966 http://www.321gold.com/fed/greenspan/1966.html But, article from Washington Post informs us that since the percentage of the cost of war is small compared to GDP then it'll be painless. Whatever... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/07/AR2007050701582_2.html
  18. Frankly, I don't have a problem with recruiting ads on this site. Curious, but were the Founding Fathers, in their time, in favor of a standing army? Rather, it seemed that they believed that the citizens armed with the power of their convictions and guns would form a milita to repel enemies. Also, didn't the people see the danger of foreign mercenaries, e.g, the Hessians, that they were furiously against them? More importantly, a U.S. soldier takes an oath uphold and defend the Constitution, that is, the People. What or who does the mercenary hold allegiance to? I'd see the standing army as a symptom of something larger that is a threat. Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Ok, call me crazy...
  19. 1952 comic predicts Bush/Cheny Iran policy [/url]
  20. Is it that formulaic? Seems sense, rather than speed, is safety and more specifically, sense is mountain sense gained primarily through personal experience. Speed seems to, more appropriately, refer to how much risk you're willing to assume. Granted if you have enough mountain sense then all usually ends well.
  21. STP


    Wow! Instant enlightenment!!
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