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Everything posted by STP

  1. STP

    'Earth Hour'

    That seems so true about the underlying demand, that the energy companies are only filling a consumer need. However, maybe we can place a collective blame on the economists and others who engender that particular development model. It's kind of like placing the blame on the cows who are fouling the surface water with their wastes. Shouldn't the blame be put on the farmer who concentrated the cows in one field in order to maximize his profit rather than, say, pasture his cows in open range?
  2. [gvideo]-594683847743189197&hl[/gvideo]
  3. Yeah, sorta like the dichotomy represented by the collective image of our country. Can we keep any international credibility if we lecture China about human rights after Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, extraordinary renditions, etc.? What about Jeremiah Wright's statements? Wasn't the slave trade sanctioned by the authoritative power structure of the time so that in some instances, for example, churches were literally built over the dungeons used to hold slaves in Africa before shipment to the new world? Are we talking about different standards for black and white preachers? Anyway, back to your subject. Do they have to mutually exclusive? Seems that in this case smart is synonymous with ruthless and selfserving, while pleasant is synonymous with goodness and altruism. Maybe it's more about the Zeitgeist.
  4. STP

    814 days

    Ya sure, as speculation goes. Throw some fiction together in with some truth. Edgar must have channeled that the passive margin along the east coast would detach and begin subducting as has occurred in the geologic past. The Atlantic (Iapetus Ocean) has opened and closed in the geologic past. As evidence, you can find related rocks in Newfoundland and in the British Isles. Someone also said that a polar magnetic reversal is occurring so that it's culmination would coincide with 2012. I dunno, endogenic events and/or extraterrestrial events (blasts from cosmic rays, gamma ray bursts, gravity waves as our solar system passes through the ecliptic plane of the Milky Way). The fear mongers in the administration say it'll be the Islamofascists that do us in. It could be something closer to home. 4n3g5lUgkWk (Interesting, the dollar rallied and the price of commodities dropped sharply last week, something not seen at that scale since 1956, due to speculations on global economic contraction.) Any predictions on whether gold will rebound sharply and head skywards? And wheat and oil? How about the federal budget deficit? OS2fI2p9iVs
  5. You could prolly rattle off all the books of the Old and New Testament, etc. but do you really know your theology? For instance, why did JC have to be born of a virgin? Why was it important to be free of original sin? Where did JC go when he died on the cross, for three days, before his resurrection? Why did Moses raise a serpent on a staff and what is it's significance with JC? Question like that, not stuff that always receives the stock answer: He died for your sins.
  6. Yes, that would be the Multiple Orgasm theory as described in the long lost companion book to the Kama Sutra. As above, so below.
  7. Not bad, but it's merely a refinement of a theory. It's what scientists do. And yes, there are some troubling questions but they don't negate the evolution as a theory. The fossil record is like a book with pages ripped outta it. So it's incomplete. Pssft! There are many lines of evidence that substantiate evolution, for instance, here: Study, in a First, Explains Evolution's Molecular Advance. Furthermore, Gould understood that critics of evolution would seize upon his ideas to attack evolution but Gould was a great investigator in that he did acknowledge these questions and sought active inquiry into answering these questions. Have you read It's a Wonderful Life? When you're talking about phyla, you're essentially talking about major body plans. Each phylum is characterized by a particular body structure that distinguishes it from another. Note that you see the apparently sudden appearance of the major phyla in the fossil record. By apparently, I mean you see what you get from the fossil record. In the Burgess Shale of BC, you see the exquisite preservation of soft-bodied organisms. This is very rare, most times decomposition obliterates the organism--that's one mechanism for a missing page, erosion of sed rx is another. Gould's point was that an unassuming precursor to the vertebrates was present the Burgess. Arrive at your own conclusion. I'm no expert but one could assume that there are other mechanisms at work such as heterochrony or changes in developmental timing. I could image a mass change in the ontogeny of the individuals in a population, because who the hell are the mutations gonna mate with? You can't just have one mutation.
  8. STP

    Da Pope said what?

    Yeah what the Pope said.
  9. So i've heard that without HIV medications and other preventative measures then AIDs would decimate the African population while some European and Asian populations who have individuals with genetic differences that do not allow the HIV virus to latch on, would have selective advantage to allow these individuals to pass on their genes. This is natural selection. Of course, you have to distinguish between macroevolution and microevolution.
  10. STP

    Hack your battery

    Here's a good hack if you're into to this kinda thing: Make a joule thief. But, you'll get put on the watch list as a potential terrist. The best hack, though, is to get the lead out: Zeppelin live at Long Beach, 1975 Zep owes a huge artistic debt to other musicians.
  11. Dorje Shugdan is pissed at you.
  12. STFU you sensei wannabe. Your wisdom is like pisswater. Reincarnated, my ass. You're a reincarnated shitstain. You're not even that rinpoche dude, you're prolly some 13 YO boy with a complex. Someone ought to slap you against the side of your head.
  13. I just gotta say that I've read some good shit here on a lotta different things but it doesn't matter how well you apply your reasoning abilities if your assumptions are off. It's like that computer model analogy--shit in, shit out. Hell, I even question whether I know anything at all. How valid are my deeply held personal beliefs? And here's the rub--I identify so strongly with these beliefs, to question them is to question who I am. It's us on the outside looking in, non-Muslim or non-European looking at Muslims or Europeans from the American perspective. Do I really believe that I'm objective enough to be able to perceive correctly through this lens? But more importantly, does it matter? Fuggit. Anyway, I'm still looking for those glimpses of what passes for Truth, those revelations. This isn't much but it's something... Terrorism and Radicalization: What not to do, what to do--Scott Atran, The Edge Checkout pages 47-48, for instance. I'm not condoning or condemning, only trying to understand.
  14. The body politic has acknowledged your conservative fears and responded: Here come the thought police--The Baltimore Sun.com
  15. STP

    Into the Wild

    Krakauer contrasts the trajectory of his own life with that of Mccandless. Krakauer corrected his, mccandless didn't so much so that it seemed like the boy had a death wish. Reminds me also of Andrew Todhunter's Fall of the Phantom Lord, about Dan Osman.
  16. STP

    Into the Wild

    Liked the writing and the stories within the story. but thought that Mccandless was another misguided soul. Reminds me, for some reason, of John Walker Lindh. Too much romanticism and not enough realism in one's ideology can be fatal.
  17. As far as Milton Friedman would have envisioned it. http://amsam.org/2007/10/president-honors-milton-friedman-for.html Aesopian Language? Do you see the underlying thread, Steppenwolfe?
  18. STP

    t-minus ? to war

    For believe me! — the secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment is: to live dangerously! Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius! Send your ships into uncharted seas! Live at war with your peers and yourselves! Be robbers and conquerors as long as you cannot be rulers and possessors, you seekers of knowledge! Soon the age will be past when you could be content to live hidden in forests like shy deer! At long last the search for knowledge will reach out for its due: — it will want to rule and possess, and you with it! --Nietzsche Viking kittens to the tune of Immigrant Song, Zeppelin
  19. Seriously folks, read the following article and then tell me where the Democratic Party stands on this issue of constitutional liberties and the rule of law. Harry Reid works to ensure telecom amnesty, warrantless surveillance Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid intends to ignore the "hold" placed on the FISA bill by Chris Dodd, thereby bringing the bill to the floor for a vote.
  20. Well, the investigations of the Church Commission led to FISA, which, if I understand correctly, incorporated a system of checks and balances, the wisdom of which is supposed to be a cornerstone, also, of our system of government. Would it be too dificult to imagine the temptation of using all that data as a tool for domestic law enforcement, in other words, to not make a distinction between foreign and domestic communications because if you're not doing anything illegal then what's the problem?
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