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Posts posted by Mr_Phil

  1. This just in:


    "After receiving a large number of complaints from across the country regarding their plans to make race a factor in children's school placement, the San Francisco School Board has scrapped the proposed plan. Instead, they have successfully lobbied the state legislature to circumvent this problem. All California residents are to be removed from their current homes and redistributed homogeneously based on their race and income level.


    Assuming some opposition is to be expected, the board is prepared if necessary to lobby the federal government to take action to homogenize the entire U.S. society."


    -Some News Source on the Web


    san fran is all homo this, homo that.



  2. This will do it:




    The ringing rockistry of "Don't You Cry" (also written with Barnhill) could have come right out of the Counting Crows fakebook at their most Beatlesque and excessive. It's still got a fine melody and the wide-open guitar sound has lots of charm, but the actor's voice has a hard time carrying it in front of such a big mix.



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