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Everything posted by Mr_Phil

  1. Mr_Phil

    This is it.

    kevbone's leaving??!?!?!?! He said 'climber', numbnuts. Gary must be leaving.
  2. Yes. The Soviets have sold a number of warheads to private groups.
  3. Mr_Phil


    Neoewejism: "How Dru lost his virginity."
  4. Mr_Phil

    TURKEY Day

    Why do vegetarians and vegans eat food that mimics meat? Seems a bit hypocritical.
  5. Thank you, sir! May I have another?
  6. 10 men, 117,000 sheep, one boat. What could be better?
  7. Actually, that should be +/- 5 ft.
  8. Global warming is the problem. It's all Bush's fault!
  9. More stupidity from the ACLU Who thinks that the TASER is a benign thing? Can we get a show of hands here?
  10. Well, someday Greenland will be green.
  11. So folks want the same government that sent us to Iraq to be responsible for our healthcare?
  12. I was created with a little bang.
  13. The retained earnings is money that the coop didn't return to its members as dividend. Back when I joined, 10% was a target, not an absolute, and was occasionally higher. In 2005, they declared $50 mil in dividends and kept $32 mil for themselves. Why? The coop claims $0 longterm debt and $135 mil in cash and investments.
  14. Mr_Phil

    Phone jammers

    Makes me think of Squamish
  15. Mr_Phil

    gay climbers?

    I'm just a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
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