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Posts posted by Mr_D

  1. Joseph,


    Are there plans to replace the anchors on right gull (I think that is the name)? I am referring to the anchors at the top of the pillar and the climb continues up to the right past 2 fixed piton (5.7 AO or 5.10a).


    The one on the left is loose and the right has a tin foil style hanger.





  2. Posting for a friend. Please do not reply to me, but instead reply to Mike Ochsner.


    "I lost a Rossignol T3 ski mounted with a Dynafit Comfort binding and a ski brake. There was an Ascencion skin attached; the skin is too narrow for the ski and it has my name on the tip. My name is not on the ski or binding. I lost it in Newton Creek Canyon on Mt Hood in January so it should be melting out by now.


    My name is Mike Ochsner, email mikeochsner@boisepaper.com daytime 360 891-8575 nights 503 590-1998. I will pay $50 to anyone who has found the ski and I will meet them at their convenience to pick it up.


    Could you guys post this information to some of the popular web sites? I am totally out of the loop on that stuff and I would not know where to start. Let me know if there is other information that I should provide.



    Mike Ochsner"

  3. Had a Burton Custom S...lot's of fun, but heavy.


    For mountaineering when crampons were needed, I used Koflach arctis expe with regular boarding bindings.


    For riding in the backcountry, I found my K2 clicker setup to be the best for comfort and good boarding.


    Then reallized the way...sold it and went to tele. Not been back since.


    Have fun and in a 2 years, put it on craigslist for $500, then learn to ski.


    Enjoy...good times are a'comin.

  4. Skinned up the ridge between Heather Canyon and Newton Creek on Sunday 1/15/06. Skinned up to about 6,000' then skied the North slope down into Newton Creek. On the skin back up 2 members of the party were caught in a slide. No injuries, but 1 member lost both poles and both skis. Poles and 1 ski easily recovered, but 1 ski still missing.


    Prior to skiing the slope we dug a pit and found a weak layer approx 24" down. The slope is northfacing and heavily wind loaded. We made the decision to not ski the slope and instead skied the trees. However, on the ascent the members involved accidentily skinnned too far into the suspect slope due to lack of visbility.


    Take care in the Backcountry.

  5. The Drake Inn, Canmore


    In the past it has been something like 50 a night canadian.


    Stayed there 3 years in a row and plan on staying again this year.


    Haffner creek is a good "cragging area" and I thing better than the junkyards...although more of a drive.


    The Grotto for an easy WI 3, but with a really cool location.


    If you like the adventure and have a good 4X4 (not just a wannabee sub) check out the Ghost River Valley and climb This house of Ski. Rambling WI 3, but lots of it. There is also Valley of the Birds that is a ton of fun.



  6. Here are some pics of the area on 11/27/05. Not Sturgeon, but very close and at the same elevation. Should be quite snowy with the snow we received after these photos were taken.


    I have heard of climbing up there, but know nothing of the grades or quality (or lack of).





  7. In the market for a new winter bag. Looked at the Feathered Friends Snowbunting, and the Western Mountaineering Kodiak.

    Anybody used either of these and have any comments on them? Warm at their rating of 0 degrees? I have a 0 degree synthetic mountain hardwear that I freeze in at 15.


    What about dryloft?



  8. "maybe cuz nobody ever looks in the sw washington forum because no-one gives a shit about helens or adams?"


    Right... Could this be the same Ivan?


    Re: [TR] Beacon Rock- Young Warriors 12/18/2004 Southern WA Cascades ivan 07/17/05 05:35 PM

    . Re: St Helens Southern WA Cascades ivan 05/19/05 07:46 AM

    . Re: St Helens Southern WA Cascades ivan 05/18/05 02:46 PM

    . Re: [TR] Beacon Rock- Young Warriors 12/18/2004 Southern WA Cascades ivan 12/21/04 09:14 PM

    . Re: new st helens doom is looking sweet Southern WA Cascades ivan 12/15/04 02:22 PM

    . new st helens doom is looking sweet Southern WA Cascades ivan 12/15/04 11:45 AM

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