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Everything posted by underworld

  1. nice send!! was watching it via elcappics!! congrats! how many is that for you now?
  2. between that, the celebratory Marlboro red (i don't smoke) and the PBR... YES thanks. yah, that could have added a little spice/notstalgia/fun and all. but, i guess this way it prevents gapers (us) from shotty replacement if one blows.
  3. underworld


  4. slippery sloping to california
  5. ...till someone loses an eye!!!!!!!!!
  6. i don't think you can put a blanket of whether they are ok for prusiks. what's the prusik used for? need to go on a fixed line? is it part of an anchor? etc etc... there are a ton of uses for prusiks. i would be fine using the skinny stuff for some applications and would lean away from it in others. i wouldn't go 'apeshit' up at the local shop quite yet...maybe talk to em about it tho. each might learn something
  7. i think i can i think i can
  8. those have to be DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD's
  9. saw that movie/presentation while i was there last month... some uninterested kid fell asleep in the front row. Ron woke him up and gave him a free book for sleeping thru the show. it was pretty classic! the kid was totally dazed and had no idea why he was getting the book.
  10. have they had 2 days off?
  11. C's are better.... but maybe i'm just moderate
  12. things go well, you might see my OM face.
  13. What you "think" or feel does not matter. This is about the constitution. it's all about "feelings" for a liberal rather than logic And for republicans its all about who has the biggest house. exactly
  14. 1st fall on gear was aiding in the rain at squamish. philistine grove, i think. anyway, a #4 bd nut caught and the wire of the nut was caught in the gate of a doval (the old dovals have a step from the gate stop thing as opposed to newer ones that have a ramp...whatever...it was nearly crossloaded) 1st free-climb lead fall on gear was the fault in leavenworth. i had only placed a hex in some flake down low - only piece of gear). well, coming out of the chimney, i broke off a hold and took a ride. stopped about a foot off the ground. finished off the climb and went on to go up catapult, where another hold broke off on me (with no fall). we bailed and went drinking.
  15. The man is a psychopath, he is absolutely crazy. He is nutz and should be taken off the air. People like him should not be able to have a voice that loud or be able to influence others. He says being a liberal is a disease. What a joke. lefties against free speech
  16. underworld


    Kid + skateboard + basketball... = LMAO!
  17. he is??? what's that matter?
  18. OMG!!!! thread drift police!!!!!!
  19. people here love second guessing w/o actually being there... check out the 'iraq' thread
  20. can we instead make tasteless black jokes?
  21. F**king loons for jurors! hung jury
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