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Posts posted by gyselinck

  1. Please remember that there are many "classic" climbs at Vantage without chain anchors. Sinsemilla, Stems and Seeds, Tangled up in Blue, and Seven Virgins and a Mule to just name a few. It is very rewarding to finish a difficult route, top out, and belay from the pillar top - looking out at the surrounding coulee. It is a very pretty area, one of my favorite places to climb. There are also many potential "classic" climbs in the area, but I don't think chain anchors are the answer. It's not a good idea to put up chain anchors on exisiting traditional routes, but I do think it is a good idea to make established area rapel points. The anchors above Bob's Your Uncle should be replaced with chain anchors. Be responsible. thumbs_up.gif

  2. I am posting here again to see if there is anyone else. Have got two responses, but the more the beter. I am hoping to get out to Frenchman Coulee weekley. I am looking for solid 5.8 or above trad partners.


    (I won't have a car, but I have no problem chipping in for gas, plus sharing my gear)

  3. Is anyone going to CWU? I am going to be a freshman this year and will need a climbing buddy. (My other climbing partners are going to UW)


    I mostly like moderate alpine stuff. I get out a couple times a week. This summer I have reached 25 summits. Below are a few of the techniqual route that I have completed this summer just to give you an idea.


    Guye Peak - Improbable Traverse

    Black Peak - Northeast Ridge

    Ingalls Peak - South Face and East Ridge

    Vesper Peak - North Face

    The Tooth - South Face

    Chair Peak - Northeast Buttress and East Face

    Mount Thompson - West and East Ridge


    I also like to do sport climbing. Have done a lot around Exit 32, 38 and Frenchman Coulee.


    Anyways, if you are going to CWU or live in the Ellensburg area and need a climbing buddy, send me message and will hook up.



  4. I tried to climb the west ridge about three weeks ago and also got lost. We made it to the giant slab before coming back down. I lost 3 sown runners

    (I wasn’t planning on rappelling the route) and 4 carabineers. The trip cost me about 50 dollars worth of gear. Did you do make the same mistake that we did and traverse over to the webbing from the top of the first pitch?

  5. Don't bring an axe, all the snow is gone. I scrambled up the east ridge yesterday. I wasen't sure what the date was when I signed the register, so if you read this can you please change my entry to the 22nd. It currently reads July ?? 2004.


    Hey Klenke, I think I know you. Are you the one that I talked to about climbing the chimney on Mount Si last winter? I think you work with my unlce and used to work with my dad?

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