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  1. Actually, believe it or not, there is some decent climbing to be done at crest creek in the winter. In particular, there are nearly two dozen short one or two pitch aid routes on some of the bigger overhanging faces. These routes are generally fun and technical but not very dangerous due to the fact that a large number of the many drilled holes are bolts. As far as free climbing is concerned, you'll need a spell of good weather and even then your options may be fairly limited. Check out the Sunrise area, the main wall and the Crow's nest area for the sunniest climbing. If you go, stop by Strathcona Outfitters in Campbell River and pick yourself up a copy of the topos of the area. These are very accurate and cheap. If you're a solid sport climber, then Horne Lake is awesome. However, if you're looking for moderate climbing and you get some good weather, then you'll have a good time at crest creek.
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