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Everything posted by DanO

  1. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/political-economy-fear Interesting article, everything is related to human influence operations. A fascist/communist type of political movement wants to make THE single political party the "God" figure. Therefore the lack of need of a core belief of a Christian God, where as a core belief is for free will. The belief of free will leads to the need for individual freedoms and constitutional rights to ensure those freedoms. Understand? All these things are interconnected in a culture and society. Do not embrace fascist/communist movements put out by dark elites, they will lead you into dictatorship hell.
  2. We all seen the show the last year. You think the dark elites are going to stop? Maybe so, if we are lucky. But don't count on it. If nothing else they are going to press ahead with a currency/economic collapse. But they are going to press ahead with most everything, a high tech single political party ran police state is the likely goal. They will not ever allow a people's populist president to be elected again. They will make a china like police state system-unless they are stopped by the common people. Many states are working to slow down the federal government. So what's next? Maybe the dark elites will back off and go back to business as usual in a two party political system? I hope so, but I doubt it. If they keep pressing the attack then what will that look like and why? Think about it. If elites want a one world government must chop up the conservative freedom loving population in the USA. To do that will have to do some very harsh things, make that single political party high tech dictatorship. Something like what china has, the USA high tech companies help to set up in china. Complete tracking systems, vaccine passports, and social credit score systems, something like in china. Must have a single political party ran government like in china etc. As the 5th generstional warfare attacks continue, there will be endless waves of more viruses, lockdowns, vaccines. The next year will tell the truth of what dark elites are doing. Have plenty of popcorn. Of course any good villain will try not to be too predictable, may have some variations. Beyound the obvious, the not so obvious is what to do to get out of the coming dark age ? The clear path forward is positive democracy design reform movements. The bulk of making fun of me is fear, which understandable. Must face reality at some point or keep plenty of popcorn and video games. Part of the plan is the Mrna vaccines, what will they do and how slowly or quickly is the great unknown by me. Every batch of vaccines can vary, can vary from region to region, country to country etc. It is like playing russian roulette by each new vaccine as well. Ignore the alternative expert warnings and likely win the darwin awards.
  3. So few people know reality. So here is a little story. When the USSR collapsed, their currency went worthless overnight. But the west cheered and sent in their democracy design experts to show them how to make government and economy. How did that go? Not so good for the common people. They lost their life savings, and now their new countries are being run by mafia elites. Pensions? They vanished, it is said a few million pensioners starved to death that first winter. Still the western media cheered, saying nothing about all this. The joke however is on the west as well. Because only the existance of the USSR and the external threat of communism kept the western republics straight enough in terms of political economy. From the moment of the fall of the USSR started the clock of doom for the western republics. So far the political force of the internet and cell phones has been only a partial replacement of the lost political force of the cold war situation for the western republics. Right now, free speech on the west's internet is just barely hanging on. So you think the dark elites care about you? Your money? Your currency? Your job? Something to eat? Most likely when it goes, the rich elites will be richer than ever, own most everything, pensions gone and all the rest. While shoving communism/fascism down your throat, migrants given jobs while you starve etc. Laugh it up , climb and hike long as you can.... Drink and be merry....
  4. I guess the articles from zero hedge are false. Also the high level phd's and naturopath doctor's telling the study history of Mrna vaccines etc are also nut cases, Right? Choose your reality carefully and know the dark side is putting out disinformation all the time and sometimes it is difficult to seperate it out. But knowing they are doing so means they are hiding much. What will make things go bad quickly? Other than further crazy actions by globalist elites and their allies, such as wars and big false flags? It will be a good old fashioned economic/currency collapse that will be unrecoverable for the common people. While this is happening there will be millions of migrants pushed in, long as possible. With all the rest, such as viruses, lockdowns and Mrna vaccines. Many other 5th generational human influence operations ongoing as well, everywhere. For that coming reality I am the best friend you can have. Most people will be totally unprepared, in a stunned daze, sheep to the slaughterhouse. All a choice, plenty of evidence. Remember the Chrstain God believes in free will, hang on to that and a good constitution. Once that is totally gone... Nearer term future, if the elites keep to their playbook, mid summer to fall, more viruses, lockdowns (off and on like a boa constrictor) and Mrna vaccines. Stock up with popcorn. When the future plays out the reader will know the truth. Likelly most people in the hiker forum are unknowing sheep to the slaughter, that is a choice BEING MADE FOR THEM and everyone knows it.
  5. The future? That is impossible to predict, I rarely get it exactly right, but it is easier to predict trends. The positive future is better democracy design, more democracy, more political power for the people. Most conservatives will disagree but they are wrong. Most democrats will agree but their elites are sociopaths that will make fake improvements that create dictatorships. In June, Switzerland has a planned direct democracy vote to stop the covid 19 restrictions, if that vote is not ripped off they should get their country back. Something like this and more is the positive future for the rest of the world. Conservatives fear democracy design reforms because 99% are fake for more dictatorship control , so i understand that. Nevertheless, the positive future is democracy design reform. I can do book length writing on how to go about it. But a bit too much to post that here. Frankly most don't understand the need,,,, yet.
  6. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/thirdworldization-slow-burning-shtf-america This is a interesting article documenting the world's path toward global third world conditions. There will be little of first world vs third world, and there will be no talk of third world rising up to first world by dark elite controlled media. It is now a global erosion toward a new kind of dark age, of global third world hell for most nations. But there is a logical path forward. The short version of the positive plan is good democracy design reform movements everywhere, especially in the dying western republics. Also the creation of at least two new ground up competing democracy designs in the world. If and when these two movements are done the world can work its way out of the dark age---in my opinion. Untill that happens the dark age will rage onward most likely. The odds is about 99 to 1 that I, am right on this. Note, likely, no person from former communist countries is going to make fun of me, or join in on the dissinformation. They know reality. This is going slow now, but likely to go fast and hard downhill at some point. Then no climbing or hiking etc, just surviving.
  7. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/globalists-will-need-another-crisis-america-their-reset-agenda-fails I suggest reading this link, it is a pretty good assessment of the situation right now. The elites planned on more real virus deaths, and that failed. They planned on more conservatives taking the vaccines, and that failed. They are likely to get desperate and do crazy things. Also 5th generational warfare of mainly human influence operations will not last forever, it will go kinetic someday. It took around 15 years in the early days of the USSR of human influence operations before the real take over killing set in place. 10's of millions killed by the government. There are a lot of nasty things in the dark elite toolbox. A EMP pulse would have the bulk of the population starving to death fairly quick. War, big false flags of many kinds. More viruses and responding Mrna vaccines etc. I suggest stocking up on everything, and never stop supporting good constitutional rights for everyone.
  8. Yeah, I would have told my fellow hikers about Mrna vaccines if there, I could have put up 20 links of information. But who wants free speech or free choice??? Like I said first post here, take away free speech and then may win the Darwin Awards. I have no idea about the actual numbers of bad effects from the Mrna vaccines, but it does not look good for most after five years to me, likely sooner.
  9. Always a few more lessons to think about. The core of USA american culture since the first days of it's birth is its protestant christian nature. The history of the USA has plenty of blemishes. But let us focus on some of the positive. Christans believe God gives people free will to choose. To choose him or not, to do good or bad or something inbetween. Other core belief systems often have none of that, such as communism/fascism so they have no core belief for free choice, so no need for constitutional rights, freedoms, free choice etc. Much of the success of the USA comes from these basic common core beliefs of the conservative Christians. Not perfect, as the USA political economy also does better with a bit of social programs, and a few social rights thrown in the mix. USA population demographics also play a roll, such as the scotts irish, instinctively fight against the english king. Since the days of the revolutionary war particular peoples not only fought for freedom, also had the brains to make up the design of the USA republic. One of the most advanced democracy designs ever created despite the flaws. If you think the USA is unfair in the past , wait until you see what is planned for the future. So the unique Christian personal freedoms culture intermixed with a few ideas of social justice has been the correct culture for freedoms and prosperity in the country. This is the history, still yet it is time evolve forward democracy design to keep the despotic elites in check in my opinion. I myself think we need two and more competing democracy designs in the world to get out of the dark age- in my opinion... Anyway, the fascists/communists have no core beliefs for constitutional rights, fair elections, true free speech, and so on. They are dark elite run, and will lead the world into hell.
  10. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/globalists-will-need-another-crisis-america-their-reset-agenda-fails This sums it up pretty well, the fact is few people in the world have the right culture to make a first world country against the despotic elites. If the USA falls, the world will have a long hard road out of the dark age.
  11. 5th generational warfare, primarily of human influence operations. Those sources , and trolls of disinformation are not your friends. Do you have your buckets of popcorn? Here is a fairytale story. If an elite wanted to make a one world government dictatorship of a kind, how to do so? The main obstacle is the people's of the first world countries who expect and will fight for freedoms, constitutional rights, honest elections etc. Then reduce them, chop them up, get rid of them, somehow. So looking at the migrant invasion down south of the USA, combined with the viruses and responding Mrna vaccines. It is funny thing, the SPARS document, shows the plan was to get a majority of conservatives to take the vaccine but they are resisting. Why? Because the elite media assualt on conservatives the last few years, have driven them to alternative conservative media which tells the truth, the virus scam and dangerous Mrna vaccines, this was not the dark elite plans. So around 60% conservatives will not take the vaccine, also 30% of Hispanics and Blacks, but only around 5% of Democrats will not take the vaccines. Everyone able and with a brain want out of city area's. So what? The bulk of migrants are not required to take the vaccines. They are fertile and healthy. They will displace the current populations in the city areas. City area's are already mostly democratic. IRONY Communists/fascists sooner or later will kill their own. Those who think they are the "in" crowd, many are in the first cull. So watch the further dropped viruses, more Mrna vaccines, more lockdowns---off and on, getting harder and harder, famines, shortages etc. Also any kind of false flag, or war is possible, as the dark elites need if too many people catch on and resist.
  12. Vaccine death numbers unknown, injury numbers unknown. But it seems every few days there are alternative news reports of different ways it can do harm, only time will tell. If interested in global warming information i suggest looking at globalweatheroscillations.com from David Dilley, there he basically states past global warming is real, but due to natural weather cycles , not CO2. That we are now going toward a cooling cycle for many decades. Understand , most every religion has it's end time story. Who controls the end time story controls the people. So the environmental movement needed it's own end time story, of burning, baking death by CO2. Those of good sense should step back from all controlling end times stories and think of seperation of church(cult) and state. To have good constitutional rights such as true free speech and honest elections so society can work things out. Right now the Biden administration is pushing migrants in by the millions into the USA . Third world countries tend to destroy the environment not save it. The desperate starving people raze the countryside to the ground. Stable first world countries can work for sustainable environment.
  13. Great, most of everyone has got it. It 5th generation warfare now, but likely that is only the set up what is coming next. Look at past communist or fascist take over operations to understand it. For general information. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colour_revolution#:~:text=Worldwide media use the term,during the early 21st century. From above link. So we see these sort of operations are done all the time. In our case it looks to be against most of the western republics own peoples, to reduce population and bring in a new world order (one world government). Elites over humans and robots(drones) in a harsh dictatorship way. All media sources even those alternative may be involved. Find information sources independent that you trust, but trust nothing 100%. I see elite influence operations in most news stories. The positive pro human future is not following psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissistic, elites in their insane plans. Here is my idea for a pro human, pro democracy, pro freedoms, pro constitutional rights future. First need a worldwide movement for constitutional rights that makes good sense. As like the 1st , 2nd, admendments and bill of rights in the USA. Support real honest elections and be pro personal freedoms much as possible. For instance Isreal has no constitutional rights for the people, hence more likely to dramatically fail as a nation. Beyound this, likely need to have world wide democracy design reform movements--giving people more direct political power. Need more real democracy, in my opinion. Also, need at least two and more competing more advanced democracy designs in the world for failed states. This is desperately needed in the world to keep the despotic elites of the world in check. The dark elite push for communist/fascist political movements will only lead to repetitions of bad history.
  14. 5th generation warfare, primarily of human influence operations. Think of that while reading worthless information sources, and trolls. When the coming great economic collapse currency default leaves most everyone broken, no job, worthless currency, pension if paid , it is by a worthless currency. At the same time engineered shortages, famines, and off and on lock downs, every succeeding lock down more severe than before. Tracking apps, vaccine tracking passports, digital currency for absolute control. Education work to death camps, children taken away from parents for proper mental programming etc. Likely more viruses, dropped, mutations, faked etc, with endless rounds of new Mrna vaccines. Most of what is going on is not new, very old communist/fascist take over plans. Repeating history. If you think those sources/people NOT telling you such information as the real history of Mrna vaccines are your friends. Well, that is a choice being made, but let's keep free speech in a democracy, so those left alive can put back together society.
  15. Here is another interesting information source but over the top right wing at times. https://turdstormer.su/section/featured-stories/ Each to your own. Just don't act surprised when what is in most countries of the world comes home.
  16. The resources that can be watched/read if interested. Infowars.com Brighteon.com (need to put on address bar to do a search) Naturalnews.com Zerohedge.com 'The real david knight show' Jefferyprather.com If get on these can branch out from there. Most of these are right wing leaning with ideas of conspiracy. I don't agree politically with them completely as i am for more direct democracy and democracy design reform. Also i think many democrats are being fooled. For the most part these resources are sincere and truthful, but don't trust anything a 100%%. There are spooks in all organizations at some level, they make honeypot traps all the time. Also false flag traps. Obviously, such alternative information sources will put out differing information such Mrna vaccine information that may be helpful. Understand communists/fascists often kill or harm their own, sooner or later, read history.
  17. Few know of the 5th generational war of primarily human influence operations. The attack is vigorously being pressed right now. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/equality-act-bar-lgbtq-gender-identity-discrimination-faces/story?id=76515120 If passed. Anyone who self identifies as whatever sex can basically must be not be restricted in their actions. So men and boys who say they are female must be allowed on women's sports teams and in womens bathrooms and even in women's dormitories ect. They may demand jobs in relgious organizations and if not the can sue them too bankruptcy. Even pedaphiles may be put as a persecuted people with civil rights protections. This law would be used a battering ram against much of the USA culture. Clearly part of the war being pressed by elites against nation and people.
  18. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-04-09-scientist-warns-governments-pharma-will-continue-deceive.html Few friends in this new world, are not fascism/communism , cancil culture, the new rising cults disigned for divide and rule. Sure friends are 1st and 2nd admendments, bill of rights, true free speech, true honest elections. In my opinion more direct democracy. Look for the 5th generation warfare operations they are everywhere.
  19. Lets assume that we are in a 5th generation kind of war. A war primarily of human influence operations. Elites vs nation and people to make that one world dictatorship government in some fashion. You will have three types of people. First, those who go along with the elites, on the payroll so to speak. Then the dupes who are fooled and help them along. Maybe they think they are part of the "in" crowd? This includes the fascists and communist types. They all hate real elections, hate democracy, hate real freedoms and constitutional rights. The second group of people are pure sheep. They have no clue of what is going on, live or die, slaves or freedoms, they have no real input. The third group, they are special. They believe in constitutional rights for everyone, real free speech, real honest elections. Believe in separation of church and state, that includes any cult like belief systems. They will stand up to tell the truth, they put nation and constitution over any political party. Understand? What are you?
  20. Conspiracy theory? Well yes it is a conspiracy theory, the elires conspiring to take over the world for a harsh one world government. Elites over a reduced human population worldwide, with a bunch of robots the elites control. Yep, i am guilty that is THE conspiracy theory pretty much. To get that new world is by countless of 5th generation warefare human influence operations everywhere. And truthfully it is most likely the elites are going to win, they are winning worldwide In your gut, given the crazy over the top movements in the last two years everyone knows something is going on. You know I am right in general, in your butterfly guts. Trump is gone, the reason for the far left people to act crazy is offically gone, but this is not over. The real plan and operatoions are just starting in fact. This is real, sorry, your elites with vast resources, almost like gods with their resources are at war against you. It is real. What I write has no meaning. But the problem for the radical cancil culture working with the elites (likely not really knowing what is really going on) . Is that there is still tons of counter evidence giving proof of what I am saying. That cannot be allowed and must be shut down ,,, forever in fact. Like evidence that the Mrna vaccine is very dangerous, that the whole covid 19 virus events is of dark elite operations. That the last presidential election was rigged along with many other elections. I can go on and on. The real problem is i can find and dig up evidence for all of this. But the other side does not want this, they don't want you to see. Do yourself a favor , understand 5th generational warfare. How to resist? Well it is very simple. Support constitutional rights, 1st and 2nd amendments , bill of rights. True free speech, real honest elections. I personally would like to see more direct democracy. It would be nice to have boarder control and not have millions of migrants being shoved in the country as 5th generation warfare invasion force. Etc, anyone taking your freedom rights away is not your friend, they are trying to enslave and kill you. Now me posting alone the OBVIOUS about all that going on, so can I win , in this 5th genaration war of human influence operations? No of course not, nope, sure to lose. Me alone is sure to lose the information and thinking war. What will losing look like? Never ending droppings of viruses, with never ending responding vaccines that may kill or sterilize you ect. Never ending lock downs, off and on like a bowa constrictor, (this what the communists do, old playbook since early days of USSR etc) . Famines never ending, great depressions never ending, big false flags, big stupid wars, like nuke strikes enticed on USA, etc. Work to death education camps, taking of private property, on and on. Get off your playstation and study communist and nazi history----in their take over operations. In this modern era, look at communist china where USA big tech has set up constant surveillance and control systems. Of social credit score slavery systems etc. This is what is planned for those of the west still alive in the future. Basically, anyone posting against what i am writing wants to kill and enslave you, if they realize it or not. Beware. This is not going to be wished away. Sorry.
  21. I like this, as you guys post, the more info I put out. Enjoy. In todays world as I look around it seems around half of kids are sickly, cancer, with ADD,,, etc. Guess how many recomended shots there are for kids from kids from age 0 to 10 ??? Well, I count at least 33 shots. 33 and more. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p4019.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj2oPei9uzvAhXRFjQIHQD5CEMQFjAMegQIChAC&usg=AOvVaw3BDPOo_xxIACgr1V_HJFOh Count them up for yourself. So if you already got 2 Mrna vaccine shots so far, if you get what kids get then you need 31 more shots. Yeah, that will go really well. If you agree that kids need 33 and counting vaccine shots. Then stand up and take every Mrna vaccine shot, every single one. I expect this will be a self correcting situation in a Darwin award sort of way. Now look, i believe in free choice , shot or no shot, same with abortion, i don' t like abortion but i believe in personal freedoms. Other people want dictatorship, they are not your friend in my opinion.
  22. From https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/library/medical-science-under-dictatorship-10920 Here is real courage. The Example of Successful Resistance by the Physicians of the Netherlands There is no doubt that in Germany itself the first and most effective step of propaganda within the medical profession was the propaganda barrage against the useless, incurably sick described above. Similar, even more subtle efforts were made in some of the occupied countries. It is to the everlasting honor of the medical profession of Holland that they recognized the earliest and most subtle phases of this attempt and rejected it. When Sciss-Inquart, Reich Commissar for the Occupied Netherlands Territories, wanted to draw the Dutch physicians into the orbit of the activities of the German medical profession, he did not tell them" You must send your chronic patients to death factories" or "You must give lethal injections at Government request in your offices," but he couched his order in most careful and superficially acceptable terms. One of the paragraphs in the order of the Reich Commissar of the Netherlands Territories concerning the Netherlands doctors of 19 December 1941 reads as follows: "It is the duty of the doctor, through advice and effort, conscientiously and to his best ability, to assist as helper the person entrusted to his care in the maintenance, improvement and re-establishment of his vitality, physical efficiency and health. The accomplishment of this duty is a public task."[16] The physicians of Holland rejected this order unanimously because they saw what it actually meant--namely, the concentration of their efforts on mere rehabilitation of the sick for useful labor, and abolition of medical secrecy. Although on the surface the new order appeared not too grossly unacceptable, the Dutch physicians decided that it is the first, although slight, step away from principle that is the most important one. The Dutch physicians declared that they would not obey this order. When Sciss-Inquart threatened them with revocation of their licenses, they returned their licenses, removed their shingles and, while seeing their own patients secretly, no longer wrote death or birth certificates. Sciss-Inquart retraced his steps and tried to cajole them--still to no effect. Then he arrested 100 Dutch physicians and sent them to concentration camps. The medical profession remained adamant and quietly took care of their widows and orphans, but would not give in. Thus it came about that not a single euthanasia or non-therapeutic sterilization was recommended or participated in by any Dutch physician. They had the foresight to resist before the first step was taken, and they acted unanimously and won out in the end. It is obvious that if the medical profession of a small nation under the conqueror's heel could resist so effectively the German medical profession could likewise have resisted had they not taken the fatal first step. It is the first seemingly innocent step away from principle that frequently decides a career of crime. Corrosion begins in microscopic proportions.
  23. I understand, a dumbed down population in a 5th generational kind of war, and people won't understand it until inside a "eduction" camp or starving to death in a great depression, etc, etc. We are now at the starting edge tsunami of communist/fascist kinds of controls that are coming. In New York right now they are building quarantine camps and rolling out vaccine passports along with big pharma rolling out new Mrna vaccines that people will be required to take. This is the same New York that put covid positive people inside of nursing homes to pump up the death numbers. The quranteen camps are already in Canada. No matter how much you go along and kiss ass, your not part of the "in" crowd, your are going to be in the cull sooner or later. You can suck your nose right up into the elite's butt cheeks and keep it there and it won't make any difference. Here is a little article of such operations in Nazi germany. We all know about 0% people know that nazi germany used medical reasons to create death programs. https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/library/medical-science-under-dictatorship-1020 They won't stop until made to stop or the numbers and control is where they want it. By the way , to the reader, 5th generational warfare is everywhere, the elite's will like it if you willingly went into a gas chamber or take that lethal injection etc. Did you know Soros was a nazi collaberator against jews in WW2? The same Soros spending millions endlessly in operations in the USA? But hey, if anyone wants , be sure to take all the vaccine shots and take all the folllow up shots etc. Fine by me if that is what you want, and hurry up. I don't want to be a lab rat for a bio weapon. Get those numbers out quick. I can go on writing forever, anyone here understand that the migrant invasion today is a kind of military op? Yes, millions of migrants is a kind of 5th generation warfare. Nothing is more influential on a population than pushing in millions of migrants that are uneducated, that will need handouts and jobs by the millions. A clear 5th generational kind of warfare operation of an elite class against a nation that must be beat down for power and control, to create a one world government someday.
  24. How to counter any possible dark forces in the world? Understand the 5th generational warfare is everywhere, divide and rule operations in countless ways, false information, and influence operations everywhere. Fascists and communists are put forth as opposing forces, but both hate real democracy, hate real elections and hate real free speech. Both make single political party ran dictatorship republics. If you look closely you will find dark elite money support everywhere and dark spooks. Fascists and communists are more alike than different , two sides of the same coin, dark elite ran from the shadows. How to counter? By the light, a strong bright light of true information , of real free speech everywhere, by support of constitutional rights for everyone. By the bright light of honest open elections. By having mulitple political parties able to freely debate. This kind of bright light the darkness can't take. Opinion, more than these, I think the world needs ongoing good democracy design reforms (of the good kind). That are not dark elite games, that actually puts more direct democracy in the hands of the people. A small taste of what is possible is to study the history of switzerland. Opinion, a big positive big leap forward would be 2-3 good competitive alternative democracy designs in existance in the world. By the way, a bit of history. When the communists took over the ussr, a good amount of dark elite money was involved with it. The communists created engineered famines, so people had shortages and many starved for years (notice the increasing shortages?) . They had lock downs, had to have special papers to go anywhere. They took over private property, outright killed people taking it. It took the communists about 15 years before the real take over killing started. The communists in the USSR killed around 10 million Christians just for being Christian. They killed 10's of millions more. They take your children and put you into work to death "eductation" camps. This history is a blueprint for a possible future. Note this history repeated in most communist/fascist countries at some level , often much worse. It is a blueprint plan that is followed, understand??? Right now the bulk of the world's population's have their heads in the sand....
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