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About bergers

  • Birthday 07/19/1979


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  • Location
    Everett, WA

bergers's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Thanks a bunch. I was more curious whether it would be necessary to bring snowshoes or skis rather than postholing the whole way. But if there wasn't much snow I wouldn't bother.
  2. Has anyone been out to Eldorado lately? What are the conditions like? I am thinking of going out there and wondered how much snow is around. Thanks for any help!
  3. Does anyone have an idea of the snow conditions out around the Eldorado Peak area? I am thinking of going out there in the next week or two of course depending on the weather as well. Thanks!
  4. The 404 isn't exactly the same as the 500. They are similar, but they release differently when you take a fall. The 404 slides apart requiring one to put it back together. The 500 is easier to get back on right away with. If cost is a factor, the 404 works well and can be gotten much cheaper than the 500.
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