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Everything posted by PONCHO&LEFTY

  1. is that nick nolte or gary buse(y) in the tie dye whoever it is that is funny
  2. Stick ice ax is great. Used one icey snow on the bros when I was 15, 2X too big duck boots also. Women with hair all over scared us more though.
  3. Mowich rd in a metro. Crux. Stupid road grader sitting idle on the side of the dam road. If they are low on funds I will drive the damned thing-with a lungdart in my hole.
  4. Beer such as Schmidt or Pabst is not bad beer because it is cheap. It is inexpensive, but it is not a bad product. Micros are probably better to most people, but pour a glass of inexpensive beer in a glass, and flush 4$ down the toilet and "cheap" beers can be just as good. Why has no one voted for the finest-Ranier out of the bottle
  5. I dont remember whaT BOOK it was, but it had a story about Scott Fischer and his friend heading into the bush in AK. The two talked about what they were going to do if they ran into an aggressive bear. Scott said they would fight it off with their ice axes. His partner jokingly agreed. They did end up confronting a bear and Scotts partner started to run, he glanced over his shoulder and saw Scott removing his ax from his pack. Cool
  6. You could spend $120 on some glorified ski poles, or you could pick up the a stick or two and achieve the same effect. Also, throw out your ice ax for an alpenstock. Crampons are worthless also; pick up some hobnail boots. Sincerely, Robert L. Wood and external frame backpack wearing guy
  7. Maybe it has something to do with the reduction of anolog phones and service. I have no basis for this. I just know that the older anolog phones have better coverage, but the quality is lower than the now more common digital types. Like AM and FM radio.
  8. What about that "evil" looking face on Three Fingers. East face I think.
  9. Not everbody is fortunate enough to be able to know someone with experience to help teach climbing to a beginner. Would you guys rather these people go at it on their own and learn the wrong way? If you don't like the groups go somewhere else. Although I have to pay to use the mountains last I checked the mountains were no more mine than theirs.
  10. I have a room for rent in my house in b'ham. There is no lease and the rent is 337/month. cnppnc@yahoo.com
  11. No, if you plead Candian your ticket will be increased by 35%
  12. If you go up the Squire Creek Valley the mountain can be climbed via the East Wall. Time: allow 2hrs. or 3 days equipment: Jet pack, suction cups special considerations: low IQ
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