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Gumby (1/14)



  1. I once had Bachar free solo past me and my partner on Farview Dome (his 20 minute warmup at the time) I raced to the belay so he wouldn't pass me mid pitch and have me knock him off if I fell. I said to him I thought we (me and partner ) were the only ones on this thing, he replied non chalantly "You are" (reg route is a polished freeway) Another Beckey story He stayed at my pad in Mammoth, we went Ice climbing at an easy ice fall at June Lake in the rain. He got his Ice tool stuck and had to use a Humming turd tool, put a screw in and down climb to yank out the tool. It made me feel good that I wasn't the only guy who has stuff go wrong. We ate bean burritos at my place! I'm not famous but I do envy his lifestyle sometimes. Went bouldering with Mike Paul and my bro Malcolm Best then drank a bunch of Crown Royal
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