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Posts posted by lizard_brain

  1. and she's really stupid, so you might even stand a chance with her!


    the stupid one is the fool who can't read through the sarcasm w/o it being spelt out for them.


    I'm glad to see our (future) lawyers have such a finely tuned ability to read between the lines. maybe some emoticons will help. :rolleyes:


    mmmmmm spelt.


    He who spelt it dealt it.




    -To build on the above statement. As your fitness increases your ability to blow the crap out of yourself increases. Just because your body is making you believe you can do those extra few set or miles, doesn't mean you should. See above.





    This is one of the hardest things to overcome.


    One of the hardest things for YOU to overcome. For me it was fairly easy, once I caught on to the concequences - for me anyway. For endurance training, one of my rules of thumb is don't work out hard for more than 3 days in a row - 2 is better. 3 is okay if they aren't all hard. I found that 4-5 hard days in a row nearly always results in colds or sinus infections and so on for me, and I finally learned to rest after 2 hard days, or 3 days in general, and always take the day after a long run off. Otherwise I wind up sick every 6 or 8 weeks. It's easy for me to work out to the point that my immune system is compromised. My body's way of telling me to slow down. It's okay to work out hard, just don't do it more than 3 days in a row.

  3. It's comical. When women are smart and not pretty enough, men just mention that they are not pretty enough. When a gal is pretty but not smart enough, men just rag on her for being dumb.


    Then again, there is always the "she has a great personality" line...


    I really hate when men make blanket statements about women, too.


    :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

  4. Yeah well, this was more than a little error in speech - she didn't hold a thought for more than three seconds at a time. It was as though someone had cut and pasted random groups of three- and four-word phrases from a newspaper and pasted them in a row, punctuation be damned, or like listening to someone tuning a radio dial up and down between stations at random. Add the goofy smile before and after and for me it was just plain embarassing.

  5. I found one jar of ground black pepper at Ingalls Pass and one very large Teva on my way down from there last weekend. Sorry, no Mythos though...

  6. I got out most of the last 8 weekends. Last weekend I did a 1/2 day climb in 3 days (Ingalls), instead of doing a 3-day climb in 1/2 day, like the chest-beaters on this site like to brag about. I'm here to tell you - you're doing it all wrong!


    Day 1: Hike in, camp, sit around, eat, read, sleep.


    Day 2: Get up, climb, back at camp early afternoon, nap time, eat, read, take pictures, nap again, bedtime.


    Day 3: Hike out, breakfast in Cle Elum.


    Now that was a laid back trip.

  7. Wow, folks act like they've never said anything stupid before. How the hell do you all know this girl's IQ after hearing one thing--a flub she made under stress.


    A flub she made under stress? That rambling, incoherent, inconsistent, blathering was a flub?


    "I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps, and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq everywhere like, such as and I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., er, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future for our children."



  8. Thanks for your input with as many posts you have someone would almost make the mistake of assuming that you're a smart climber. Not just someone who flames people when they ask a question, jeez if someone new came to this site they might just think you were just someone who liked to talk shit and just used this climbing forum as an excuse to do so. Jeez I wonder why so much of the general public views climbers as anti-social introverts.


    Ask teh Wiki...



  9. 1) Climbing = good sex

    2) "Sport" = quickly pleasuring yourself.


    But Bill, if sport=pleasuring yourself, what is bouldering=?? :crazy:


    Bouldering = erectile dysfunction



  10. Lifestyle choice. I know a few people that work 60+ hours a week and don't exercise because they don't have time. They forego personal health for financial gain or prestige. (Then there are the others that are just plain lazy, of course. Just look around my office.) What happens when you finish your residency? What will your work schedule be like after that? Is this just a foreshadowing of your career schedule?


    Anyway... I've got a job where I work from 7:30 - 4:00, and after work I'm running by 5:15. Thank god. Can't change your sschedule in any way? Might just have to tough out your residency without so much life outside of the residency itself. Chalk it up to the price you pay.


    When I climb on weekends and I'm training for a marathon at the same time, I start falling behind in the marathon training, and I spend a couple of days a week in a zombie state. Literally nodding off at my desk. Have to take a weekend off here and there. Can't have everything.

  11. Hell, MIke Tyson was allowed to box after serving his time for rape, for which he seemed wholly unrepentant. I don't believe being a convicted felon would preclude employment in the NFL. Though, if any team takes a chance on Vick, you better believe there will be a huge personal conduct clause in his minimum scale contract.


    Kind of interesting how the NFLPA has not weighed in on this. Upshaw's silence is deafning.


    Tyson wasn't playing for a team, though, so the only PR issues he had to deal with were his own.


    He's also lost millions in future sponsorships & advertisements. I've forgotten if it was the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times that calculated that Barry Bonds has lost about $38 million in possible advertising bucks that went to others because the companies wouldn't touch him and they went for someone with a 'cleaner' image instead. They mapped it all out - the companies, how much, etc. How many ads do you see Tyson in? Do you think you'll see Vick selling Nike or Ford? He's lost millions right there. Look at the ads Tiger Woods does, and his reputation and image. How long do you think they would keep him as their spokesman if he were caught molesting kids or something? The advertising money would disappear, as it has for Vick and Bonds.

  12. If playing ball is what matters most to him, then he should be allowed to do so.



    Maybe he should have thought of how much he liked playing football before he took up torturing dogs as a hobby? Who the hell cares what matters to him?




    I'm sure he's allowed to. Just who's going to hire him now (or when he gets out)?

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