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Posts posted by lizard_brain

  1. Maybe the fat kids would have a better chance not bein fat if their fat parents didnt think every new diet craze was their ticket to looking like a fitness model. Also even though im sure a few people really have bad genetics to be in shape but fat people say their problem is glandular probably doesnt help show the kids they're in control either.

    And ADD was alot less prevalent when people would actually put their kids over their knee instead of taking away their friggin nintendo WI


    People are fatter because of larger portions and more processed, particularly fast food.


    And ADD is a diagnosable brain disorder that wasn't as 'common' in the 'good ole days' because it hadn't been discovered yet, you moron.


    Discovered by drug companies?


    Wanna ride bikes?


    "I had some prusik material in my pack, but it would have been difficult to get."


    "Is there a place to get an inexpensive drill kit somewhere that I can hang off my harness."



    These are both gems. :lmao:


    Um, how about this - hang your prussic loops on your harness?


    No - that's too easy...


    :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


    /Taking bets on whether this guy knows how to prussic, and has ever tried...

  3. Ok, maybe I am wrong, but I have heard that aluminum does not form microcracks.


    I have also heard that a biner was dropped off el cap and it broke at full strength. Am I wrong?


    Something I found on the Mountaineers website regarding this very topic:




    Here is what I think I know


    I work in the outdoor industry and I have done some work with a hardware/biner company. One day they decided to gather pro from the base of El Cap take it back to the lab and test it for breaking strength. From what I understand All the pieces regardless of the style, maker, condition or estimated age passed by reaching its minimum breaking strength. (Consistent with your gyms findings) I am not speaking for their company in any way or saying that these are the findings of some official test. I just felt like passing on some information I have heard about. I know that there are a number of folks throught the testing industry that have convinced me that micro fractures don't exist. That is not to say that visible fracture can't happen, it is just that, if you can't see it after careful inspection it is not there.


    Aluminum comes in different grades and stock, so I am not sure that we should assume that a biner would behave the same way as aluminum used for a plane fuselage


    you are totally on as far as the gate open vs closed and if your biner is old and the gate spring is not slamming the gate closed setting that pin well, then yes, that is something that can be a problem. I have retired a few biners that somehow had the spring mechanism deteriorate, but I am sure it was the corrosive action of salt water as I used them for Sea kayak rescues


    Anyway as ken and others have pointed out it is about your personal level of acceptable risk.


    By the way I have a lot of pro from the late 80s that I still us. Of course depending on their condition I may mark them differently and occasionaly relequish them to light duty, but I still use them. When I pick up new stuff it is mainly because I am a gear junky.




  4. Muffy's thoughts on all of this...


    *banning tag is stupid.

    *having kids( okay two at the most and only if you realy realy realy realy realy have to) is stupid.

    *if you are going to bother to have children FOR DOGS SAKE spend time with them and make them behave... you can do it.

    *people how have kids and want the kids to like them, are stupid.


    i don't know what it is but baby making goes in waves. almost every woman i know who is a breeder, is preggers right now. and they do not know each other or come into contact at all. i even had a brief moment of "if i could have another kid it would be neat to have a little girl...*sigh*" but then i came to my sense. It's in the fucking water or something.


    *feed them REAL FOOD.


    /just my $0.02


    i totally agree. the kind that you actually have to cook in on a real stove and takes a table to hold it cus you have a whole pate of REAL FOOD and a GLASS OF MILK.


    Hey - you don't even have to cook - just skip the processed, microvable, fast-food, etc. and stick with fresh, real food. I keep hearing how the lowest income and inner-city kids are the most obese. They're eating from fast-food places and corner markets - just eating garbage. Raise a kid on Taco Bell and microwave burritos and rotissary hot dogs from 7-11, and they'll spend their lives believing that THAT is FOOD! How many Americans live that way? (Hint: A report just came out that said in NO states has obesity recently decreased.) But hey- Paste a tag on them that says "I'm lovable and I'm capable!", and keep them from playing games that are potentially harmful to their self-esteems! Jesus christ!


    (Deep breath)


    End of sermon.


    Sorry - I digress.



  5. I have a set of BD cams and was gonna add a couple of the ones I place most often. Decided to buy a couple of DMMs instead and see which ones I wind up liking better. Just got 'em though, so haven't decided yet.


    P.S. Had a 2000 Outback. Loved it, until I replaced it. -With a 2006 Outback.



  6. Muffy's thoughts on all of this...


    *banning tag is stupid.

    *having kids( okay two at the most and only if you realy realy realy realy realy have to) is stupid.

    *if you are going to bother to have children FOR DOGS SAKE spend time with them and make them behave... you can do it.

    *people how have kids and want the kids to like them, are stupid.


    i don't know what it is but baby making goes in waves. almost every woman i know who is a breeder, is preggers right now. and they do not know each other or come into contact at all. i even had a brief moment of "if i could have another kid it would be neat to have a little girl...*sigh*" but then i came to my sense. It's in the fucking water or something.


    *feed them REAL FOOD.


    /just my $0.02

  7. "Craig has agreed to give up his leadership posts on Senate committees temporarily, Republican Senate leaders announced Wednesday."


    "Craig is the ranking Republican on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs and on two key subcommittees -- the Appropriations Committee's panel overseeing the Interior Department and the Energy and National Resources subcommittee on public lands."


    Okay, when does he resign? Any takers?



  8. the fat kids played tag when i was a kid.


    they usually lost, but still played. then beat up the scrawny ones.



    ...the cycle of life


    and the funny thing about those fat kids back then is that they were usually pretty damn active playing sports...so their "problem" really was genetic...fit fat kids...one of my best friends was pretty damn tubby but was decent on the soccer field and basketball court and was a pretty good swimmer to boot...i'd say they were healthier then


    the ones these days are inactive, mashed potato brained nintendo playin' tv-watchin' turds...like their folks...

    Fat kids were a rarity when I was a kid. There might have been one, MAYBE two per class. They were different. Now they are the norm.


    I even know a couple of fat climbers - these guys are tubs, but they can haul on the approaches and climb right up the faces. They're better than me (but that's not saying a lot). MOST climbers I know are pretty average or slim, though. After being out on a multi-day trip, one of the first things I think when I show up in the nearest town is "Where did all of these FAT PEOPLE come from?"


    But I digress...

  9. Maybe the fat kids would have a better chance not bein fat if their fat parents didnt think every new diet craze was their ticket to looking like a fitness model. Also even though im sure a few people really have bad genetics to be in shape but fat people say their problem is glandular probably doesnt help show the kids they're in control either.

    And ADD was alot less prevalent when people would actually put their kids over their knee instead of taking away their friggin nintendo WI


    The fat kid is not pleased.


    Fatty, fatty, two-by-four....



  10. hyper-active = excuse (it's not my fault..it's their condition)




    The greatest of all of the polite fictions that we nod and smile at when around people with children that they've never taught to behave properly. I'd wager that about 5% of hyperactive kids actually behave the way they do for purely biological reasons, and the rest comes down to parenting.


    Just not worth alienating the folks with the kids that they don't know how to raise, though. I take some comfort in the fact that they will ultimately suffer the most as a consequence of their child-rearing styles, though.




  11. the fat kids played tag when i was a kid.


    they usually lost, but still played. then beat up the scrawny ones.



    ...the cycle of life



    Fat kids were a rarity when I was a kid. There might have been one, MAYBE two per class. They were different. Now they are the norm.

  12. The ban at this school may be due to laziness. Repeatedly correcting hyper-active kids and mollifying uptight parents requires a lot more time and energy than simply banning games.


    Hyper-active kids……dude…..most children are “hyper-active”. Why you got to put the label on?


    "hyper-active" = $$$

  13. Get up nice and early, head for Starbucks, sit in a comfy chair and read Raymond Carver in the mornings and go running in the afternoons. Maybe go gear shopping on Saturday. I need more biners and slings - I keep running out. New boots too, but those can wait until spring.

  14. The ban at this school may be due to laziness. Repeatedly correcting hyper-active kids and mollifying uptight parents requires a lot more time and energy than simply banning games.


    Just give the little trolls Ritalin and video games and tell them to shut up once in a while.


    Seems like a significant amount of the changes in parenting over the past 50 years have been driven by the psychological needs of parents rather than any objective consideration of what's actually good for the children.


    IMO: it seems to be a selfish psychological drive to have kids in the first place. But hey, that's just me.


    You're saying that reproduction of the species is a selfish psychological drive? I would've thought it's more of an inherent evolutionary drive.


    I was gonna say hormonal, but maybe you pegged it.

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