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Bozeman ice festival


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Im wondering if you can climb in the Grivel Hyalite ice breaker comp as well as the Bozeman fest? They are both held on Sat. dec 1st and wondering if you have to choose one or the other. Also, what is the deal with choosing novice, intermediate, advanced? I dont want to be limited to easy ice if I sign up as a novice and will it all be top rope?

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Here's the deal....

The Grivel North America Hyalite Ice Breaker is on Saturday December 1st.

Instructional classes for the Ice Festival are on Friday (women's only) and then both Saturday and Sunday. So in theory (assuming you are a guy) you can do the Ice Breaker on Saturday and take a class on Sunday. Girls got it lucky, they can do classes both Friday and Sunday.


Anyway, the Ice Breaker isn't a "normal" comp. It's just like going out climbing with a buddy for the day -- except you are trying to climb as many pitches as possible (along with a few other rules). It's designed to be accessible to everyone regardless of ability (as long as one person in the team can lead climb).


The Instructional classes are just that. We ask for your experience level to help in putting groups together of similar abilities, etc, etc. The more advanced groups get plenty of time on various mixed lines and steep ice. Many of the people in the novice category do get a chance to get on steeper stuff depending where they are at for the day. If you are really concerned you should just put down intermediate. We are all pretty easy going out here so don't sweat it too much.


It is class environment so there isn't really any leading going on (liability reasons) regardless of the class level. It's all on top rope.


Does this help?


Edited by JoJo
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