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About Alpineman

  • Birthday 04/06/1994

Alpineman's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Hey there, just a heads up to anyone interested, the Mountain Hardwear retail shop in downtown Seattle is looking to hire both PT sales associates and a floor supervisor. Pass this along to any outdoor enthusiasts looking for some work! Feel free to ask me anything about the store. Columbia/Mountain Hardwear Jobs Board
  2. Not in the cascades, so maybe a shot in the dark but I'm looking to see if anyone else is in the Chamonix area around the 5th to 10th of July or so (earlier is possible, but not much) and would want to try Mont Blanc, preferably via the Three Mounts Traverse. I've been on glacier terrain several times before and do fine at altitude (though never as high as mont blanc). I have or will rent most of my gear, except for a rope though. Let me know if you're interested and in the area during the time and have sufficient experience. Also if there are any better european climbing forums, please send me in the right direction, thanks!
  3. Anyone care to join a Mt Hood climb Tuesday? Probably just the standard hogsback route.
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